Let’s Go: A Travel Bucket List

Let’s Go: A Travel Bucket List

Here’s the thing:

I love traveling by myself, but it’s great to travel with other people too. I’m incredibly malleable, and have the tendency to go with the flow of present company, which gets me outside my comfort zone. And as I get more comfortable in my zone (which is, admittedly, in the wilderness, underwater, or traveling through the air at 9.8 m/s2), I’m less likely to deviate from my preferred normal.

There are a ton of places I want to see before I’m rendered immobile, and I’d like to extend an open invitation for anyone to join me. Family, friends, friends of friends, random strangers on the internet (within reason). If there’s a place on this list (or somewhere not on the list) that you’d like a traveling buddy for, contact me. It may take a few months to a few years to plan depending on our life circumstances, but we’ll make it happen. Consider this the bucket list. (Note that time estimates are the minimum I’d spend in the area.)

*Trips I want to take in the next 5 years

Short Term Travel (2 weeks or less)

  • Banff, Alberta, Canada*
  • Nova Scotia, Canada*
  • Gili T – Komodo Island – Flores (Live Aboard/Diving)*
  • Hawaii (Diving)
  • Sri Lanka + Maldives (Live Aboard/Diving)
  • South Africa (Safari + Diving)
  • Ecuador + The Galapagos (Diving)
  • South Korea + Taiwan
  • Portugal
  • Israel + Jordan
  • Switzerland (Matterhorn)
  • Brazil (The Amazon)
  • Morocco
  • Egypt (Red Sea)
  • El Salvador + Honduras [Diving] + Nicaragua
  • Costa Rica
  • Panama

Mid Term Travel (3-4 weeks)

  • Alaska (Small Ship Cruise)
  • Borneo (Trekking + Diving)
  • Vietnam/Cambodia
  • Nepal (Mt. Everest)
  • Bhutan
  • New Zealand
  • Spain (Camino de Santiago)
  • Argentina – Chile (Patagonian Andes)
  • Buenos Aires – Paraguay – Uraguay
  • Northern Chile – Bolivia – Peru
  • Colombia – Venezuela(?)
  • Madagascar

Long Term Travel (Over 1 month)

  • Tran-Siberian Railway (Moscow to Beijing)
  • Australia (in a campervan)
  • Backpacking Eastern Europe (Czech Republic – Hungary – Croatia – Bosnia – Montenegro – Albania – Greece – Bulgaria – Serbia – Romania – Moldova – Ukraine – Belarus – Estonia – Latvia – Lithuania – Poland)
  • Absolute Africa Overland Safari (Uganda – Rwanda – Tanzania – Zanzibar – Malawi – Zambia –  Zimbabwe – Botswana – Namibia – South Africa)

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