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Shenzhen, China: Boring AF or a Hidden Treasure? (Also introducing OCT LOFT)

Shenzhen, China: Boring AF or a Hidden Treasure? (Also introducing OCT LOFT)

What makes a city a great city? This is a question that’s been turning in my head my entire life. Growing up mostly in the suburbs, my 18-year old self would say a great city is one with “LIFE!” and “CULTURE!” and “NO BOX STORES!” 

A Day Trip to Macau

A Day Trip to Macau

Macau is the other Special Administrative Region of PR China, located to the west of Hong Kong. Known as the Las Vegas of Asia, Macau is a gambling destination for many Asians looking for a quick weekend trip. Macau is easily accessible via ferry from 

Hong Kong Outdoor Activities: Kowloon Park, Lantau Island, Tai O Fishing Village

Hong Kong Outdoor Activities: Kowloon Park, Lantau Island, Tai O Fishing Village

Here is my first actual blog on traveling. There’s a lot to cover, and to be honest, I’m not sure where to start. Do I focus on just the facts? Keep the words to a minimum and post all sorts of pretty pictures? Make this 

What’s in My Bag: The Southeast Asia Edition

What’s in My Bag: The Southeast Asia Edition

It surprised absolutely nobody when I announced I was going to try to fit my entire life for the next three months into one backpack. I traveled with a rolling suitcase exactly one time before, and after dragging the thing uphill on a narrow, winding 

False Starts and Other Excuses

False Starts and Other Excuses

I Want vs. I Will The first time I felt compelled to travel longterm was back in college. My major had a study abroad partnership with a theater and film program in Dublin, Ireland, and I had always had a fascination with Celtic folklore (to 

Trip Planning V.1: Pre-Booking Plans

Trip Planning V.1: Pre-Booking Plans

A general technique I like to use for dealing with stress and anxiety is planning to not plan. For instance, I have a flight booked to Hong Kong booked for March 27, and a flight to the Philippines booked for April 2, and because they 

A Lady and Her Backpack

A Lady and Her Backpack

Since I turned 16, the longest I’ve spent without a job was… never. I’ve always been working, maybe taking 1-2 week breaks here and there, but otherwise always beholden to an employer and throughout adulthood, bills. My career was my identity, and I identified with